Hello from Montana, USA

Hello Everyone. I’m excited to be here and be part of this community. I am working the program though I just started so that means I’m getting used to navigating the website and looking at the initial course content.
I’ve set a few goals for myself:

  1. I’m devoting at least two hours per evening to this endeavor.
  2. I want to show any amount of income by two months.
  3. I want to be at $1000.00/month within one year.
  4. I want to fully understand and be proficient in the topic from this course within nine months.
  5. Revise goals as they are achieved.

Thanks and wishing you all the success in the world.


Hey Tim! I’m just wishing you good fortune! You sound committed, and that’s very respectable! Those goals are admirable… I hope you crush them with flying colors.