Hello from Minneapolis, MN

Hello everyone,

This is Touazeng from Minneapolis, MN. I am a realtor buying/selling houses in the Twin Cites areas. I joined the SAS about a year ago but didn’t do much about it. Due to this Pandemic never go away, so here I am come back and try to work hard on this time. I love to travel and love to generate income while I’m traveling. My goal is to generate $1000/day a year from now. So everyone, support me to reach my goal.

I’m very grateful to be part of the SAS community and happy to see everyone here!

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Hi @diana2468f, welcome to the SAS family! We’re glad you took the initiative to join us here at SAS and looking forward to working with you!

It’s never too late Touazeng… A Wise choice to jump back onboard and continue your pursuit of your dreams