Hello From Michigan!

Hello everyone! My name is Ryan and I just started a few days ago. I have been working in retail for over 20 years. Very excited to start this program. I wish everyone the very best!

Hi Ryan - happy to have you here with us in SAS!

Hey Ryan,

I’m from Michigan as well. Lovely weather we’ve been having, right?! Glad to see another Michigander ready to take their life to the next level.

Best regards,
Nick M.

Hey Ryan! I’ve got a good friend of mine from Michigan… He just made the move to Texas…

Welcome aboard! Let’s take this to the next level!

Hi Ryan!
I am from Michigan as well…made the move to Sacramento, CA 2 years ago and am loving it…but the water and summers in Michigan were always awesome! Best in SAS!

Hi Sheryl and thank you. I have been messaging Simon inside the forum. He is having the same problem that I had with videos 4,5 and 6 in Week 1. I know that you helped me fix that to move on and I just wanted to throw that out there to see if you could help him as well.



Hello Jay and thanks for the reply. Most definitely going to take this to the next level!

Hey Nick thanks for the reply. Wish you the best in SAS!

Hey Janet! Glad you are enjoying Michigan and wish you well in SAS!

I was in Michigan but for 2 years have been in northern California now.

welcome. im in the middle of week 1 and really enjoying it

Hello, Happy you are able to join us. Wish you the best as well

Hi @almatienzo - glad you have joined us in the forum!

Hello to a fellow Midwest newbie.