Hello from Melbourne, Australia

Hello everyone :sunglasses:

I am Sally C Austin coming to you from a very sunny Melbourne, Australia (yesterday it was 44degC (111degF)!

I currently work full-time as a Demand Planner for IGA Supermarkets maintaining stock levels so my State 300+ retailers can keep their shelves full and their customers happy.

My end-2019 goal is to be earning my current monthly salary in affiliate commissions and therefore being in a financial position to tender my resignation from my day job.

My end-2020 goal is to be earning 4 times my current monthly salary.

After that, the sky is the limit when I am finally working this fantastic business opportunity, with John Crestani as my mentor, full-time.



Hello @anon27929518 from the very sunny Melbourne, Australia :sunny: ,

Welcome to the community forum, and thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself to fellow community members.

That’s awesome goals you have there!

Wish you the best of luck and Godspeed in the realization of your goals.

(Now we probably need a PROGRESS/EXECUTION category here in the forums where people can “launch” their goals/projects and provide on-going progress reports as they hustle to make their dream happen!)

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Sally, nice to have you here!

Replacing your current income, working for yourself by the end of the year, is a fantastically specific, and reasonable goal to set for yourself.

Whats your WHY? What would be different about your life if you worked for yourself? What drudgery wouldnt you have to put up with? What new opportunities would open up to you to do or be as a person?


Thanks for your kind welcome, John.

WHY? Why? I am so over working for and with people who are negative, pen pushers with no drive or want to improve themselves or the lives of others less fortunate than themselves.

I live next door to my aging parents and want more hours in my days so I can work more helping them to maintain their house and garden. I want to help them stay in their home for as long as possible. I get so tired working 8 hours a day and then coming home I only have limited hours that I can spend working around my home and my parents home.

I want to be earning as much money as I can so I can be contributing more to my chosen charities charity:water, Kiva and Best Friends.

I want to be able to offer my Brothers and Sister the opportunity to retire, too, and work with me in my business that I would reconfigure into our family business.

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Hi Sally! Great to meet you here on the forum. Awesome goal setting and planning for the future. Work toward your goal EVERY day and it will become a reality. 20 degrees here in New York, USA…jealous of your temperatures.

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Hi Sally, lovely to meet you. What fantastic goals. You are well on your way. Love and taste that freedom. Its so delicious. I to wish to be totally self sufficient and growing where the sky is the limit. Isn’t creating so much fun. Well done.

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Welcome Sally,
Wishing you success down under with SAS!