Hello From Limestone NY

Hello Everyone,

I’m a wife and mother of 3 young kids and love all things to do with animals and tech! :slight_smile:

I’m excited to start this new adventure and break free from working for someone else. My past includes being a Veterinary Technician, the manager of two SPCA’s, and most recently a change of scenery and was a card dealer at the Seneca Allegany Casino.

Great to meet all of you.



This is some of the best training you will ever get on how to build a scalable internet based business :slight_smile:

This course isn’t based around fluff or theory but REAL actionable training.

Enjoy and take action!

  • Seth

My name is Jing a real estate agent on the Gold Coast.
I started learning online business since July 2018 and spent tones of money on buying courses and inventory.
I was searching solution for my previous problems found this course and I wish I found it sooner.
I have a million dollar dream and I pursue it in all ways I know I am getting closer to it.
I am excited to meet so many like minded friends here hope writing our successful stories soon.

Best Regards


Hi Jing. Welcome. I’m Nigel and am just up the road in Brisbane.

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Hello All I’m Chad, I have been doing Affiliate Marketing/ ( Cpa) Over two years now, and working online in some way well Over 12 yrs, Seen successes here and there really want to get it more consistent, I have been in Johns course For awhile now, and have learned some amazing things from him, I look forward to dropping my bad habits of being distracted, and really see success this year for me and my family,
nice to meet everyone


Welcome Chad. What kind of “bad habits” do you have, besides “distraction” if you don’t mind sharing.

Mine are checking email first thing in the morning instead of just once a day at the end of the day. Other bad habits of mine are reading the news instead of working on my business. News is a distraction (maybe similar to yours?) and generally full of more negatives than positives in my experience. On the up side I do NOT waste time/get distracted in social media, nor do I have a TV. Good that you have experience in A.M. Looking forward to your insights!

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Thank you Arron for the comment and asking,Mainly spreading myself to thin, and not staying focused on one/or two thing, Working On Digital product creation, working on local branding for my wife’s business, and knowing how to set up some campaigns but doing busy work instead checking email, or watch tv ect So I have made the chose to stay focused here and not to get side tracked anymore and get my business successful for me and my family.

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Good choice. “Busy work” as you say is a great expression. Checking email makes us feel productive, but as you realize yourself, it isn’t. Feel free to PM me if you wish me to check up on you on your determination to break your *bad habits. I can be like a nosy grandma once every week to make sure you are sticking to your choice :slight_smile: . Sometimes a push, shove of kick from someone outside our immediate family is a nice reminder. Though no worries if you don’t need it. You have my permission to PM me to check-in on how my habits are going too whenever you wish.


Hello Chad!

I wish you the best in all your endeavors. I understand completely about being more consistent. You have my full support. Good to meet you!


Hi Chad,

I look forward to many effective interactions withing the group.


Welcome to the group. This is definitely one of the best PPC courses I’ve been a part of. Glad to have you with us.

Looking forward to seeing you as our next millionaire.

Hello Julie, it is a good sign that you try different things. Stick with the plan and you will be surprised.:rainbow: