Hello from Jason in Ohio

Excited to start my journey learning from the best! Looking forward to freedom!! I have had numerous jobs in sales, customer service and even ministry. Can’t wait to work and answer to nobody but myself.


Welcome to the SAS family, @jmgjones3!

We are happy to have you here. And looking forward to helping you achieve your goal as well.

Make sure to visit our knowledgebase, we have lots of helpful articles and info there.

And register for our weekly webinars if you haven’t yet. Every week we have a live Q&A session where you can ask questions, as well as a special training session where we’d be going over a chosen subject. . Here you can find the outline and replays of the latest sessions.

We wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business. :slight_smile:

Hey Jason from Ohio. I’m Grant from Ohio, London Ohio to be precise. I’m up to M4 in my training. I recently retired from truck driving to give affiliate marketing a try. Working at my JOB for six days a week started to interfere with my life goals. I have money saved up for survival, but really nervous about investing in my future. How are you feeling about thing? I know the saying, “you have to spend money to make money” but still nervous

Yes Jason @jmgjones3, isn’t that what we are all tired of? Answering to other people?! Let’s take control and make this affiliate business work :muscle:
Good luck and always remember that the whole SAS staff, swell as the whole community is rooting for you - so do not hesitate to reach out for us!

You got this!

PS: Please upload a profile picture!