Hello From Curacao, The Dutch Caribbean

Hi everyone, my name is Michael Mondesir, Mike for short. I’m from Curacao of the Dutch Caribbean. At the moment I’m working a 9 to 5 job as a Senior Maritime Adviser and I’m looking to get out of this routine and start my own online affiliate marketing business with the help of John Crestani’s program.

My life goals are to have financial and time freedom, to be able to spend time with my family and friends, travel the world and enjoy the great things in life. I’m looking forward in working with all of you so all of us can achieve our life goals.

To everyone’s success!!!

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Hi Mike @mikemondesir! Lovely to have you aboard - may you be able to reach all of your goals in the near future! The SAS team will its best to support you throughout the process - so do not hesitate to reach out to us as well as to the whole community right here.

Be sure to make full use of all the options here:

Your honest and dedicated effort is all what it takes to be successful!
We wish you a great journey and a lot of success! :rocket: