Hello From Austin Texas

Hey everyone-

My name is James Buono, I am born and raised in Austin Texas. I have 2 kids, with another on the way in August. Ive been in medicine for the past 13 years, and I am also a real estate agent. I look forward to learning this system and implementing all things learned to become profitable as soon as possible. My initial goal for the first 30 days is make average 100 a day, by 3 months I want to make 5-10K a month, and by next year at 25k a month.

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hey James, welcome to the community and thanks for the intro, I’m Andrew one of John’s coaches,
realtor commission can be huge to help fund your campaigns and I like the number goals you have
feel free to message me or post on here if you get stuck or have any questions,
so other people can learn from and best of luck to you !