Hello from American Canyon, CA

Greeting everyone
My name is Teresa but I prefer to be called Teri.
I’m a relief manager for a storage facility.
I’m a late bloomer one could say and need to do some serious work to start and build quickly a retirement for myself. Just for starters


Hi there, @TRH_1960! Glad to see you here! :grinning:

Hello. Lizette
Thank You. : :smiley:

Welcome @TRH_1960. Good luck with your affiliate.

Hey Teri @TRH_1960 :smiley: Awesome to welcome you to the SAS PRO! And we always say- rather bloom late then never! So congratulations for your determination - this will take you far!
I hope you enjoyed the first couple of modules - let me remind you that success is a process…so revise your daily work, repeat the topics, apply the knowledge and adjust some settings - this is the key and it’s the fasted way to master the art of affiliate marketing!
Here are some important point, you should always keep in mind:

Alright Teri - no more time to waste! Keep up the good work and let us know how you progress!

Best of luck! :four_leaf_clover:

PS: Please upload a profile picture!