🤝 Hello From A New Member

Thanks for taking a look at my Introduction post, my name is Craig; it’s nice to meet you…

This is why I’m here, and so far very glad I found your training:

  • I’m 100% ready to learn the real, correct way to generate and monetize website traffic, from the professionals who truly know how to make that happen.

  • I’m 100% ready to take the appropriate, revenue-generating actions on all this new expert-level education I’m about to absorb.

Sure, I have a few domains (5)… I’ve published a number of landing pages… I built a 12 page niche authority website… I’ve written an entire, content-heavy email auto-responder series…
I’ve run a few Google Search ad campaigns… I’ve run a few PropellerAds Classic Push campaigns…

Which is great; I’ve had to learn a lot from courses and training to be able to do all of that.

But here’s what I still haven’t done (yet):

  • Gotten one email opt-in.
  • Gotten one affiliate commission.
  • Made any of the money back I’ve spent on traffic so far.
  • Made any of the money back I’ve spent on other training courses.
  • Made any of the money back I’ve spent (and still spend) on the other services, tools, and resources needed to do any of this.

I really appreciate you putting all of this specific training together and making it available.

You and your team have very obviously worked very hard for a very long time.

You clearly really know what you’re talking about here.

It’s obvious in the welcome module.

Thanks again!

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Glad to have you onboard, @ccscom1745!

John and the SAS staff will do our part to make your affiliate marketing journey enjoyable and successful as possible for you! Whenever you have a question whenever you are stuck, do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected]. I’d also like to encourage you to visit our knowledgebase, we have lots of helpful articles and info there.

And register for our weekly webinars if you haven’t yet. Every week we have a live Q&A session where you can ask questions, as well as a special training session where we’d be going over a chosen subject. . Here you can find the outline and replays of the latest sessions.

We wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business.