Hello Fellow SAS Jetsetters from Adelaide, Australia

My name is Andrew and I’m excited to be joining this journey with you all.
I have a wife ( of 33 years) and two sons who have both left home and a marketing career that spans 38 years. My why involves ending the need to trade my time for money as a consultant and to relieve my wife of a job in the corporate world that she no longer enjoys. Change this to a lifestyle with more freedom of choice and independence. A “laptop” lifestyle where we can pursue our love of travel and scuba diving and choose our working hours. I am just finishing week one and feeling so fortunate to have found John and his amazing course, just at the right time.
To all of our success



Hi Andrew, welcome! I’m in Brisbane. Nigel

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Good “why!” and good choice in choosing SAS.

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Hello Andrew,
One of my friends that I grew up with lives in Adelaide and his name is Andrew as well. Welcome to SAS. It is interesting how similar our whys are. Wanting to end trading time for money as well as my wife being in a similar situation. Although I don’t go scuba diving but I enjoy snorkeling very much. Never got beyond Hawaii but hopefully with SAS I can soon visit the land down under and go snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef.
Wishing you all the best with SAS.

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Hi Andrew,

I’m also from Adelaide Australia. How’s your affiliate marketing journey with SAS going?

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