Hello everyone, Prince here from UK

Just a kind introduction. My name is Prince and I currently work as a Training coordinator, but on a low wage. I’m looking for an online business that gives me a passive income so I could support my family and live a life that I have always dreamed off. Hope to meet you all at the top.

More success. :slight_smile:

hello. hope you have a great success for you and your family

Thank you very much, I wish same for you too! :slight_smile:

Hi Price @prince4mum2002 :sunglasses:
We are very glad to have you aboard! Welcome to the course - hopefully this will be a big turning point in your life. We, the SAS team, will do pur best to assist you on this new journey! Be patient, stay focussed, work hard and take action! This course will provide you with everything that you need…but from there it’s up to you! Stay determined and you will soon reach all the things you have been dreaming of!
While you go along with the course I’d highly encourage you to be actively engaged in our community. Surround yourself with these wonderful people, like-minded students and experienced marketers. Being connected with them will keep you motivated throughout the time. And whenever you need help, be sure that they will share all their experiences with you. Another great source for extra information material is our Help Desk - simply search relevant topics and find plenty of tutorials and instructions.
Further you should put a reminder in your calendar: Attend our weekly live webinar every Thursdays!
You now have the fantastic chance to participate in our “Build your presell page” contest - use this wonderful opportunity not to only practise your affiliate marketing strategies but to also be in with the chance to receive special giveaway prizes. You will find all the information about the contest right here. :v:
Alright Price, enough from my side…please enjoy the welcome module for now. Despite all the limitations - have a good Easter weekend and of course stay safe! Best of luck :muscle:

Hello @BastianS, thank you for your wonderful message, much appreciated. I will definitely use the community, and the Help Desk for extra information. I believe I will always holla at you too if needs to. I’m sure I have got a great community here and I’m looking forward to using all the available resources. I WILL MAKE IT! Please keep in touch.

Thank you once again and I hope you have yourself a wonderful Easter weekend.


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Glad you are here Prince.

Wishing you the Best,

@greenler.john65 Thank you very much. Very glad to be here. :slight_smile:

How’s everything going for you and how long you’ve been a member if you don’t mind me asking please?

Meanwhile hope you’re having a great Easter weekend :slight_smile:


Hey Prince,
I have only been a member for about 1 and a half weeks. But, I am staying positive and look forward to learning.
My Easter had been great. I hope that yours is as well.


Hi John,

That’s good to know and glad you had a great Easter. :slight_smile:
Yes my Easter was good, just a little different from usual, due to the lock-down, and less to do indoor but great time to catch up on the course.

How far are you on the course? Did you get here through recommendation or just Ads?
