Hello Everyone from Pennsylvania

My name is Gregg Schena. Iā€™ve done everything from commercial diving to owning a gokart rental business but now I am going to be a Super Affiliate guy. Best to all. Lets do it together.

Where in PA - the Commonwealth takes some 6+ hours to drive across from East to West (I am in Newtown, PA and my son is in Pittsburgh, so I know!) including stop(s) for gas and comfort! What are you thinking with doing it together? Email? Meeting up somewhere? Purpose of meetings?

Welcome to SAS.
Enjoy learning :blush:

Hi, well iā€™m 30 miles from nowhere hah near Port Allegany NCentral. I have some ideas to roll around about sales. I thought they might be promoted something like fishing. Who uses only one fishing pole unless you are out with the kids. Niches and number of campaigns. I enjoy working alone but most great minds produce greater clarity. https://40hrfree.com/ is my first thought. Who knows the magic ad campaign?

Hello, hope you are doing great. I am new but still have some hair left to pull out. Whats your best ideas for promoting so far you think? Enjoy

I am still working my way through the training, so I am probably not the best person to answer! However, I think some of the resources may provide you with appropriate ad networks, or there will be instructions on how you find other ad networks. Donā€™t confuse sales and marketing. Marketing is much deeper and will bring sales, but includes identifying the features of the product that people are looking for, and then identifying who the people are that actually have the ā€˜painā€™ caused by lack of those features. Also, donā€™t overlook the power of mastermind groups (Think and Grow Rich). Several heads are better than 1. Keep asking yourself what else. Ask yourself that just before you go to sleep, and then first thing after you start waking up in the morning - listen to what your subconscious mind is telling you. Mindset is very important in developing your own business - as John keeps saying, you wonā€™t succeed if you donā€™t do the work!
Yeah, Port Allegany is a bit off the track between Newtown and Pittsburgh - donā€™t think I would even see a sign for it on the Turnpike, LOL!


Well thank you. We can compare notes as we continue through the course. Hereā€™s one for you. John said on his ā€œdonā€™t make mistakesā€ on FB-- John said not to use the link clickbank gave me to connect my advertising as FB couldnā€™t ID me with product. Well ok, what doā€“and how do we do that? Thanks.

Hi, I donā€™t know how far you are in this course, but I am unable to find the step by step setup for google ads. Maybe too many hours on here hah Think you can help?

hey there @GG1, google ad set up is in week 2 of the course, which may not have opened up for you yet? cheers :sunglasses:

Very good then **) For everyones fyi. For me i had to give all the info and credit card Prior to making campaign and came across a useful site that may help others. Thanks again. https://support.google.com/

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Hi buddy, hope your ads are doing well. I noticed that on My ads, i had to click my domain promoting sas and then again on Johns page before anyone could fill out their info. Which https did you use for your ā€œSearch google ads Final urlā€? Maybe i misunderstood his week 2 video which is about 60% through on video. Thanks Gregg

Hello lady, Hope your ads are doing well. I noticed that on My ads, i had to click my domain promoting sas and then again on Johns page before anyone could fill out their info. Which https did you use for your ā€œSearch google ads Final urlā€? Maybe i misunderstood his week 2 video which is about 60% through on video. Thanks Gregg

hey there @GG1, were you able to figure this out?

New to affiiate marketing. Hello my name is Jeronn i live in Sw pa.