Hello all... I'm Steven from Northern California

Hi everyone my names Steven and i’m super excited to start this new journey with you all.
Not gonna lie, i’m nervous, but i am determined to reach my goal of being financially independent. I wish you all luck on your goals, and may the force be with us.


Hey Steven @Etienne0071, there is no need to worry - the force is already with us!!!
Awesome to have you aboard! I totally feel you and I understand why you are nervous- this is going to be an exciting new journey for you and we are happy to be part of this! May this journey will lead you to whatever you are dreaming of…:rocket:
Before you start- let me quickly introduce you to some faces you will probably come across in the next couple of weeks- this is the SAS family. Additionally to your weekly assignments, you have the option to join the webinars. You will find the weekly schedule and all of the previous replay videos right here.
Have a fantastic start and may you create big things :muscle:

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Hi Steven! Welcome!:upside_down_face:

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Hi… pleasure to meet you

Nice to meet you Steven! :grinning: