Hello All from Robert, NJ

Hello to All! My name is Robert greeting you from NJ. I actually purchased last week but was hit hard by IDA and I’m just starting now.

Looking forward to learning and earning.

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Hi Robert @forward2deveaux, welcome to the training!
So how have your first 2 weeks with the SAS PRO been so far? I hope you are enjoying the training…here are a few things that you should keep in mind during your daily work:

  • connect with our community and be an active part of our forum
  • use our Knowledge Base with plenty of additional tutorials
  • Don’t miss the Weekly SAS Live Trainings
  • Reach out for our support at [email protected]
    That would be all for now - let us know whenever you need anything!
    Otherwise, enjoy your journey! :smiley:

PS: Please upload a profile picture