Hello All From Atlanta GA

Hey fellow aspiring entrepreneurs!!! Im Kendall now residing in Atlanta, GA. A former Program/Projects Mgr. and IT-Systems Architect. Its exciting to be here with like minded folks on this hero’s journey following the great Gen. John Crestani !! My immediate goals are to establish and achieve the exact accomplishments John has dictated in this course and to immediately go to the next level. Im here to grind it out like a legit boot camp, using every possible minute to learn and implement such simultaneously! I want to crank out 1K per day in a few months, and of course get to that Million a year! :star_struck::partying_face::star_struck: In other words im doing this full time…so my fellow journeymen,you will see me here all the time and i certainly hope to get to know you all who have the same and greater ambitions. Peace and Keep the Faith!!

Hi Kendall,

Nice to (virtually) meet you! I’m doing this full-time as well and plan to be here all the time. Great to see other like-minded people.

Hello to you like minded entrepreneurs, I’m so glad be able to converse with people who have the same mind set of creating a successful business online.
Congrats and good luck to you all!
Your Truly, S.H.

Hi there, you have ambitious goals like me! I too am trying to get this rocking and rolling quickly. I finished the welcome module and week 1 in my first 2 days. Just waiting for my Facebook ad to be approved.
Good luck to you!
Hillbilly Jim

Hello there Pusansk…greetings to you!!..this is going to be a great place to help and be help as well as a place for expansion

Hello there Somto…full time is a big commitment…its nice to see others with the same intentions…lets stick with it and be as successful as possible. I heard very good things from former students directly.

hey Jim …you and I alike…im doing the same. Even though ive got a great idea of whats to come, im going to follow every word the General John directs us to do. I hope we will be corresponding about the wins and “loses” through our journey

Hi Kendall and welcome! I plan to commit full time as well… no, scratch that, I AM going to commit full time! Happy to see like minded people on here!

Hi Jim - nice to see you here in the forum!

Welcome to SAS Kendall, we are glad you are here!

Hello again to all the Community Friends, Just wanted to give a quick review of my progress. I’ve finished week 5, just waiting for my badge to be approved or for the 7 days to pass, which ever comes first. I’m loving every minute
Some aspects have been challenging but I’ve continued to press forward. I recommend everyone do the same because it will work.
Good luck to all of you.
Yours Truly, S,H.

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Hi Kendall, I have recently transferred with my job to ATL and then the company downsized and eliminated my job. I plan to be successful. I have attend a training for setting up host pages, blogging and the training was nothing like this! I wish you the best. Nurse T.