Has anyone fixed changed their website to "https" instead of "not secure"?

I had set up my site from cool handle but they do not have any phone technical support whatsoever, so I have some questions that hopefully someone can help:

  1. How do I make it so that the site reads “https” instead of “not secure”?

  2. If this is possible, will it screw up everything I’ve done so far like changing how all my ads are directed to my sites? Will I need to reinstall wordpress and reinstall the click funnels api key once I do this change? Thank you.

Hey John,

If your Coolhandle account offered an SSL certificate, once registered and applied to your hosting package, your site will then be a secure https:// site.

To contact CH support please go to:

24/7 Toll free Number: 866-200-2828

Thank you Sabrina. They never answer the phone lol.

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Typical technical support :wink:

At least we’re responsive! haha. Hope you get a response soon!

I have the same problem with Blue Host. My Thank you page is secure, but my Opt In page reads “Your connection is not fully secure” with the Exclamation point. I think I watched just about every Blue Host tutorial video but no luck.

hi I’m not sure if you’ll read this but I had a similar problem with my website and after I installed the WordPress plugin called really simple SSL my website finally said secure hopefully this helps you and anyone else

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Oh that’s an excellent tip!

Didn’t know that plug in existed, thanks for sharing! :slight_smile: