Hallo from Pretoria

Hi, my name is Cor and I am from Pretoria, South Africa.
I am a bit of a perfectionist. Just saw the video from John that says “Perfectionism kills the Cat”! I have to work on this part of myself.
My first goal is to earn a steady $8K per month. I trust I can meet all in the forum.
Please wish me all the best - and I wish ALL a successful journey!

Hi Cor, I am Ira from Kaapsehoop near Nelspruit. I have just joined and still feel a little lost in trying to get everything setup. We are not that far from each other, and it will be great if we can connect … by phone for a chat and maybe a brainstorming meeting at some time?

Welcome to the SAS family, Cor!

Sure, Ira. I have seen the sign board to Kaapsehoop many times. Send me an email to [email protected]

Welcome to the forum @ ira - we are happy to see you here as well!

Welcome to SAS @ nitormedia - glad you are here with us.

Thank you - you make my heart feel warm - firstly because of the success wishes - secondly because Mykonos is the most beautiful holiday resort on our west coast - close to Cape Town.

Thank you Sabrina. Cor

I’ve always wanted to visit South Africa and go on safari. One day, maybe! :slight_smile: