Greetings from the Great State of Ohio

Hello all!

I am Laura from Beavercreek, Ohio!

I am currently the VP of an insurance agency and a childrenā€™s author/artist.

My goal is to make an extra $60K in 2020.

Enjoying the journey!

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Hi @clientscomefirst! Welcome to the SAS family! Looking forward to achieving your goal. :+1:

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Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Laura @clientscomefirst :wink:

I see that my colleagues from the support already welcomed youā€¦nevertheless Iā€™d also like to say ā€˜HIā€™ and welcome you to the course. :v:
Let me quickly introduce you to the SAS team - this is us. But more importantly, Iā€™d like to introduce you to the whole SAS community with like-minded students from all over the world. These people will be accompanying you on this new journey. It gives all of you the great opportunity to exchange your knowledge and help one another. Make use of everyoneā€™s experiences and grow together as a big family. So whenever you have a question, address it to the community. But also make sure to search the forum and our knowledge base before you open a new thread. Many times you will be able to find the topics already been addressed and solved.
Once a week you have the chance to join our live webinars. My colleague Ilya will guide you through a weekly topic and afterwards you have the chance to ask your questions in the Q/A part.
Let me conclude with the invitation to our current ā€œBuild you presell pageā€ contest. Every SAS member can participate and be in with the chance to win. Find out more by clicking here. Iā€™m looking forward to receiving your design soon! Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:
Alright, thatā€™s it for now!

One quick reminder - please work thoroughly and put all your effort into this course! You always need to stay focussed and tenacious in order to become successful!!! All the best :+1:

Hi, Laura! I just joined the program and saw you were from Ohio. I live near Cleveland, Ohio. Iā€™m a teacher and thought how great it was that you are a childrenā€™s author. Would you share the title of a book that you have written or illustrated? Stay safe. Debbie

Hi Debbie! Welcome and thanks for reaching out! I illustrated by first bookā€“My Dog, Jack. Jack is still alive! Heā€™ll be 15 years old in a few months. I hope you stay safe and healthy as well!