Greetings from Singapore!

Hey Guys,

I am Rajun from Singapore. I’ve just completed my 2 years of compulsory national service in the army here. I was supposed to enroll into a local University this year. However, I’ve decided to take a gap year and work on myself before moving on to a new chapter in my life. I am also aiming to earn enough revenue from this affiliate system to fund my University degree and expenses myself in the future. In addition to that I would like to earn at least $15,000/mth here. I am excited to learn and connect with the community here! :blush:


Welcome to the SAS family, @rajunflo!

We’re glad to have you here.

Make sure to visit our knowledgebase, we have lots of helpful articles and info there.

And register for our weekly webinars if you haven’t yet. Every week we have a live Q&A session where you can ask questions, as well as a special training session where we’d be going over a chosen subject. . Here you can find the outline and replays of the latest sessions.

We wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business.

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You know Rajun @rajunflo, sometimes we just need to take some time off for ourselves and for our restless souls :+1: I am sure the 2 years of national service have been a challenging time also, hopefully a useful one too. And I am super glad to see that you are planning to make good use out of your gap year…who knows what life changing decisions you are about to encounter! anyway I wish you all the best on a personal level…now let’s get to business and work on the financial level :wink: :money_with_wings:
First of all, John and the SAS staff are happy to have you aboard! The whole team will be assisting you to make your journey to success and financial freedom as smooth and joyful as possible! Success is the sum of little progress that you are going to make day-in and day-out! And your job is to work consistently and stay focused at all times! With these essentials, there will be tremendous results waiting for you down the road!

Whenever you have a question, do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected]. More importantly I’d like to encourage you to make use of our forum and engage with your fellow students - all of them are aspiring and passionate marketers. This helpful community of like-minded people will be a great source of both, knowledge and inspiration for you! Share your personal experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can - simply benefit from one another and grow as a team!

All the best to you! Let’s get to work :+1:
(Please also upload a profile picture here!)

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Thank you guys so much for welcoming me into the community and giving me so much assistance. Can’t wait to start learning and earning over here :slight_smile: I’ll definitely do my best!

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