Greetings from Phoenix, AZ

Hi! my name is Susie, originally from Texas but have been a resident of Phoenix Arizona for almost 20 yrs, I have also been a nursing assistant for about that amount of time as well, Iā€™m very excited to be part of SAS and looking forward to learn more about affiliate marketing and make serious money, Iā€™m so thankful for this opportunity.


Welcome to the SAS family, @latinausa69! Looking forward to working with you. :grinning:

Thank You! absolutely my pleasure lizette.sandico :smiley: :+1:

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Good luck on your journey with us here in SAS Pro. You will find everything you need here to be successful and a great support staff to help you at any time. Good luck!

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Welcome, Susie @latinausa69 :star_struck: John and our whole SAS team are happy to have you aboard! We will be assisting you wherever we can to contribute our fair share to your success! Our goal is to make your new journey as smooth and successful as possible! Your triumph is our satisfaction and therefor this course will provide you with nothing less but everything you need to make it big time! Always keep in mind that success does not start with hesitation, it starts with massive action! The best mentoring would be quite useless without your personal dedication and effort! You are the protagonist and your devotion alone will bring you closer to success and financial freedom! In other words - this new journey will be challenging at times, but important is whatā€™s waiting for you at the end of the road!

Whenever you have a question, do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected]. More importantly Iā€™d like to encourage you to make use of our forum and engage with your fellow students, who are are all aspiring or experienced marketers. This wonderful community of like-minded people will be a great source of knowledge for you! Benefit from each other and work and grow as a team! Share your experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you canā€¦youā€™ll be surprised how rewarding this will be for your personal progress, not to mention the motivating and inspiring effectā€¦ Further let me remind you that itā€™s always a good idea to search and read through the forum and older discussions. Chance are high that your question has already been addressed to in previous posts. Further we have our Knowledge Base at your disposal, where you can search through plenty of instructions and tutorials.

One fun and super helpful thing you should not miss out on are our Weekly SAS Live Trainings taking place each Thursday. My colleague Ilya will guide you step-by-step through selected topics and you will also have the chance to directly address your questions in the dedicated ā€˜Question and Answerā€™ part. These sessions will be of great benefit for your learning progress, so donā€™t miss it!!! But if you do, simply watch the replay video.

We are all looking forward to seeing you around and working with you (please donā€™t forget to upload a profile picture :relaxed:)! Always keep up your positive spirit and always try to make the most out of this great opportunity! Best of luck! :sunglasses:

Thank You very much for your support kopper53! :smiley: :+1:

Hi Bastian! :smiley: I so much appreciate your warm welcome, your encouraging words, your advice and your support, Iā€™m excited and looking forward to learn this wonderful business, Iā€™m going to need alot of guidance, Iā€™m new to the business world of affiliate marketing and I need to get familiar with it, to start off, I wanted to load my pic but for some reason it doesnā€™t give me the option to upload it, also I have a question, what do you recommend as far as choosing a payout method on clickbank and digistore24? what has worked best for you? and are there any fees involved? I just created accounts on these affilate networks, but Iā€™m already a little confused and stuck with the payout area, once I can get that going I can move on with more confidence, once again THANKS! :+1:

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Hey Susie, you are more than welcomeā€¦donā€™t feel overwhelmed as everything seems new now - you will get the hang of it and soon feel much more comfortable with everything! I can also see that you managed to upload your photo - thatā€™s great! :blush:
Concerning the payment methods - Iā€™d recommend you use ā€œDirect Depositā€ as this will transfer your payment directly to your bank account. Also you can choose the ā€œweeklyā€ payment frequency. Also be reminded that e.g. Clickbank has the 5 sales quota to release your commission - donā€™t worry about this, it simply means that payout will be transferred once you accumulated 5 sales :+1:

You got this!!! :relaxed:

Thank you for responding Bastian, :+1: and yes I fianally figured out the upload on the picture lol, I appreciate the payout recommendation, however does choosing direct deposit require paying those affiliate networks a fee?

Hi bastian, so sorry to bother you again, another question, on the payout methods for digistore24, they have 3 options, paypal, international bank transfer, and u.s. bank transfer, which one do you recommend or which one is more convenient? also on the ā€œFOR SALES IN CURRENCYā€ section, which one should I choose? EUR, USD, CHF? or should I choose all? I need some guidance on that, Iā€™m a little lost with that, I donā€™t know what to decide, hopefully you can help please, Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: