Greetings from Boise, Idaho!

Hey Everyone! I am from Boise, Idaho. I am new to affiliate marketing, but I am very excited to be here and I look forward to building a successful new business and making new connections in this forum. Thanks!


Hi @chadsligar! Glad to see you here in our community!

And welcome to the SAS family once again.

Make sure to visit our knowledgebase, we have lots of helpful articles and info there.

And register for our weekly webinars if you haven’t yet. Every week we have a live Q&A session where you can ask questions, as well as a special training session where we’d be going over a chosen subject. . Here you can find the outline and replays of the latest sessions.

We wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business.

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Hey Chad @chadsligar - these are indeed exciting times! So big WELCOME to you! This journey will take you right where you want to be…to be fair and honest - the upcoming weeks will involve a bit of effort and dedication from your side. But if you are willing a certain amount of effort each day, than nothing can stop you! So let’s do this! And by this I mean “together”! you have the whole SAS team rooting for you…we will be your companions, so don’t hesitate to reach out for us at any point. Simply contact our technical support at [email protected]. And as you already mentioned - connect with our other students in this forum and benefit from all the knowledge these people have gathered.
Good luck for everything and of course -enjoy the course! :money_with_wings:
PS: Please upload a profile picure :hugs:

Hi @lizette1! Thank you for the warm welcome! I apologize for the delayed response as it will take me a little time to learn your system. Also, thanks again for the top notch support the other day with my domain issue. You played a major part in resolving my issue and I am moving full speed ahead now! Take care!

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Hey @BastianS! Thank you for the kind welcome message. I have made a significant investment in SAS Pro, Private Coaching, John’s Inner Circle, etc., and I am neck deep in an incredible amount of exciting videos, bonuses, educational material, resources, etc. I haven’t figured out how I am going to put all this together yet, but I believe 100% that I am in the right place to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

In the beginning, I was sold on all the free Youtube videos I watched with John as I can tell John is a good-hearted man who loves his family and loves teaching unsuccessful beginner affiliate marketing trainees like me how to succeed. My family thanks you John as I am pretty sure they are tired of eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. lol! Anyway, thanks @BastianS for the warm welcome and I look forward to showing you some results soon. Take care, Chad Sligar

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Sounds wonderful, @chadsligar! Thank you for your positive feedback :star_struck:
Don’t worry about being overwhelmed with all the new input at this point…the pieces will soon fall into place and you will be able to see the full picture!
You got this! :muscle:

It’s always a pleasure to help, and I’d be glad to see you succeed. :grinning: