Greetings, Everyone! Hello from Clarksville, TN

Greetings, Everyone!

Allow me to introduce myself—I’m Tara Alston, currently residing in the great town of Clarksville, TN. My household includes my wonderful husband, Aaron, our two spirited canine companions, Max and Winston, and our sagacious feline friend, Wall-e. :house_with_garden::dog::cat:

Gardening is more than just a hobby for me; it’s a passion that I’ve cultivated over the years. In fact, I tend to my plants in a cozy greenhouse, ensuring they thrive and flourish. :seedling:

Professionally, I’ve been navigating the exciting world of software engineering since 2016. But before that chapter, I proudly served in the US Army for 5.5 years, including a year-long deployment to Afghanistan. Those experiences shaped me in profound ways.

Originally hailing from the great state of Texas, life has thrown some intriguing twists my way—brain surgery in 2018 being one of them. :brain:

My aspirations are laser-focused on **financial freedom. I believe that with this freedom, I can not only support my loved ones but also make a positive impact by giving back to others. :star2:

Now, here’s the exciting part: I’m hoping to dive headfirst into this program, eager to soak up the wisdom and guidance it offers. But I will be continuing my full-time work alongside this journey which I am sure everyone knows can really be a challenge. :rocket:

Why? Because I thrive on challenges, and I believe that with the right support, I can achieve remarkable things. So, I’m actively seeking someone who can metaphorically “hold my feet to the fire” and keep me accountable, ensuring I stay on track even during those late-night coding sessions or early morning brainstorming sessions. :fire:

Together, let’s connect, learn, and embark on this remarkable journey! :star2:
