Google Search or Display Ads - which one is better?

There was a post on this topic a while ago, but it got hijacked by a discussion about Google Ads suspension… Any thoughts on which type of ads work better for the SAS ad? I got suspended for a while, but am now back up and running, so would like to expedite income!

From my experience display cost more in the long run.

Display cost me $75 in 2 days

Search only cost $45 in the same 2 days

As to which produces more, you will need to run one campaign

for search only for 2 days and the run a display only for 2 days and see what happens.

Each person will get different results based on their ad.

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Thank you. I would probably run them for longer than 2 days to get a better idea - I would think you need to do at least a week to see what works best. They probably need to start at the same time as well. Definitely worth trying - I would take both results right now!

Unless you have very good tracking you will not know which produced when running them at the same time.