Google Search Ads - Website address/test/

Just checking re website address for Google Search Ads:
In Johns video he entered: which goes to his landing page
If I enter my website address in campaign without the test/ suffix it goes to my website page on Bluehost, which is set up but has no information in it, so it doesn’t go to SAS landing page.
If I add test/ it goes to the SAS landing page - but don’t want /test/ showing on google ad. Maybe I missed something somewhere? Thanks :smile:

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hey jackie!
not sure if you used the click funnel landing page or the manual one, but a good start would be to set it as your home page… then when you type in your website name the landing page is what you’ll see

Great thanks for that - works now :slight_smile:

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Just instead of creating a ‘test’ folder, extract the files in the public_html folder. However it’s recommended you do create a sub-folder (say, ‘sas’) and then on google you’ll use

Thanks for that - all working now :slight_smile:

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Can you explain what you mean by setting it as your home page? I have the same issue with my link only bring me to the SAS landing page if I add /test/ to it

I followed the manual method to set up my domain (as per week 3 training). Week 4 training - I entered into Google Ads as the web address. When the link was clicked it would only go to mysite on bluehost which is only a blank template and not to Johns SAS landing page. I didn’t want to put into google because that it what is visible. Once I went through the Clickfunnels training (week 3) it redirect my address to Hope that makes sense.

oops sorry got my weeks mixed up - clickfunnels training was week 2 and google ad training was week 3 - shouldn’t rely on my memory :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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So, until you changed from the manual method to Click Funnels, it would not redirect? I am using the manual method and don’t want to use Click Funnels.