Google only approved 5 names out of the 60 gurus that I copied and pasted

They only approved 5 of the names out of all the keywords I pasted in and I did all of the names John did, 60 and they added 5 of their own keywords ,work from home, online business, small business help, spare time business , small business opportunity. and they made another ad , there are 2 ads In ads and extensions, and I didn’t do the split test thing, they call it a smart campaign , is anyone else having this happen or is it just me? I think it’s because they made me do a rush ad at the beginning with none of the steps John went through and I had to go back and edit things one by one from the menu on the left, John set everything up and then created his ad , I had to do the ad first, and then got the menu and followed John’s steps. But why wont they approve all the guru list, and why did they add their own? is it better if I try and delete everything and start over, or can this be fixed? Spent hours doing this, because I didn’t have a menu to start with, Any Input Would Be Appreciated, thanks

Hey, yes, some gurus got mad that we targeted their names so they actually sent a legal letter to myself as well as some affiliates. Its 100% legal to bid on any keyword, even peoples names UNLESS they are trademarked, which most peoples names arent. (and IF they are trademarked, the ad simply wont show)

That said, many many students have been getting sales from google search, but I am removing some of the names (such as Dan Lok, Tony Robbins) from the keyword list, and speaking with Dan Lok this week to resolve the situation.

Long story short, the gurus are NOT happy that my students are bidding on their names, and using LEGALLY COMPLIANT language (‘Results Not Typical’… they are SUPPOSED to put this in their ads anyways, and it is LEGALLY required, but they dont want you to know that, nor do they want people to see it) to generate massive numbers of commissions.

I am very upset about this, and working closely with my lawyers (specialists in this space and highly vetted by me, ) to make sure that neither myself nor my students get bullied because what we’re doing is legal, it works, and it is helping many make substantial commissions online.

I will keep updates coming as things progress.



Omgosh! This is amazing! Thank you!

That makes a lot of sense. This is a technique that nobody is using, so naturally people are going to be a little jealous. Great that you are going to protect the students.

Even my lawyer said ‘wow, this is really smart and I imagine really effective’ and i said ‘YES! Because it is! I’ve been doing advertising for 10 years now, I know my stuff, and my students are making more money than ever!’

This is the most legally compliant training program, and info-product of ANY GURU in the entire market. No-one else goes to the extent that we are going to, because we are working on creating a LONG-TERM business here; if corporate employees are jealous (thats what I believe the issues is somewhat) or envious, well boo-hoo, but we will fight these erroneous support representatives on their own turf.

I have created a folder where I will be uploading legal documents for students to send to any of the support representatives that disapprove, or prohibit any of your ads, so that you can go on your merry ways, earn yourself commissions, work for yourselves, and grow yours (and mine) incomes.

I am locking this thread now, but here is the folder, it only contains the legal letter to facebook you can send out right now, but will include letters to Google and Youtube as well, in the event these companies corporate rank-and-file try to bully you as well,
