Google Display & Adwords Pixel Setup Issues

Hi, I am struggling to figure out how to find the google display setup & how to find the conversion setup for the adwords pixel setup. Google has updated their ads site and things are not where John mentions. I tried to click around and google help but I am still struggling. Does anyone have any recommendations?

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Hi @Angelamariep! When you are setting up your google ad, one of the first things you’ll do is select Search and/or Display, and then you can select what you want to optimize for (clicks, traffic, conversions, etc.). Since you don’t have any conversions when first starting, you should select Clicks for your goal (you’ll change this to conversions once you have some).

To set up your conversions, you need to head to Conversions in GA (Tools & Settings -> Measurement -> Conversions) click the blue + button and follow the steps from there. If you need further assistance just let us know!