Google ads set up totally different from John's video for me

I am setting up google search ads , but right after I clicked start now it already is asking me to make an ad with only 2 headlines and one description, it wants me to do it now and I cant move forward to where John picks create campaign without guidance and then search ad and the beginning of his whole process it does not give me a page like John is showing with 3 headlines 2 displays,2 descriptions and all the things he filled out, and it already has some crazy ad written for me, is this the new google or was I suppose to do something besides click on start now, John doesn’t show ,but it seems like the natural thing to do. It does not give me the option anywhere to click campaigns screen, its already on a write your ad screen, not sure what to do, scared of screwing up, anybody else see the same thing as me and how did you get to the campaigns screen thats in the video?


@Erich like John says in the videos, just pick something and keep moving forward. What I found sometimes is that what Im looking at on my screen, and what John is showing on his screen are totally different. But I read through my screen, pick something that looks similar, or that makes sense to what I am doing, most often, what John is showing, shows up in a different format (after another click, sorry don’t quite know how to say it). Just keep in mind that for whatever reason, FB, Google
 etc change their interface regularly. Dont be scared of screwing up, thats how we learn, even if you do, its not the end of the world. You can change it after, don’t let this keep you from moving forward
 if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again
 my mother just came out of my mouth
good luck, hope this helps!
P.S., you can always create the ad/campaign, and as soon as its up, you can disable it, or pause it.


I had the same problem plus another and ended up talking with a Google Ad Tech. The first thing he had me do (which I had not done) was click Log In and that showed me similar screens to John’s and I could follow along. In my first attempt, it went through sort of an automated process and I found that it did not give me the option at the end to delete the Cell phone and Tablet options. Otherwise, the ad went up very easily. I put it on pause and rebuilt it using John’s instructions.

I had the same problem with the google ads. The campaigns John told us not to use is all there are to choose from. Forgive my grammar mistakes. Second language. OK. Then I just have to make the most of it. I’m going back to facebook to give it another try. What of those campaigns did you choose?

Hahahha. Thank you [azgram20]. I didn’t finished reading your post before sending.

I was logged in and still did not see hardly anything that John had on the screen. Somethings you can work to fit it in but others things not. I think it would be great if they re-did that lesson so that it makes sense. Minor changes can be expected but that was like day and night. Don’t want this banned or rejected :frowning:

I was settin my Google ad up and had the same problem with the screens not being the same. I started over and somewhere in the process there was an option to click on "experienced user " or something like that - then it took me into the screens John shows.

I think I’m having similar issues, I initially set up google ads and the page was exactly as show on john’s video. I went horribly wrong and for payment issues mostly and I lost all that good work I did simply vanished. I want to do it all again but the page is gone and this is the new page has no resemblance which is very frustrating.

This is what I want.

But this is what I get, does anybody know whats going on?

Today March 26, 2019
I have the exact same Google sequence as you do. Quite different from JC’s video. Also, my English Ad for Google, Headline 1 says “Follow This ‘Guru’?” and NOT “Follow {Keyword: This ‘Guru’}?” displayed by the video. So I am confused whether this is an omission or not?

HI Jeanette, thanks for that comment. I understand that the training video was created at a specific time during the evolving life of Google and the training video is fixed in time, not like Google. However, when there is a big difference as to the results of following the fixed video instructions and the evolving Google monster, I think someone at SAS should give us some clarification as to which one to follow
For instance, have a look at the English Ad for Google in the Resources | Ad Swipes for Google. JC’s video displays for Header 1: Follow {Keyword: This ‘Guru’}? , but the The Google Ad Swipe page has Follow This Guru?. Without any clarification, I understand from JC’s explanation that the former will act on any keyword like Tony Robbins, 
 or Tai Lopez, but is seem that the latter will not act on any keyword! And that simply means that the “Ad” will have much, much less impact, response and potential profits. This is where a little clarity can save us a lot of time and money $$$


Medici1517 please clarify what you mean.

When you say ‘And that simply means that the “Ad” will have much, much less impact, response and potential profits. This is where a little clarity can save us a lot of time and money $$$’
do you mean the first version {keyword}, or do you mean the second version without it.
which version is more profitable?

Medici1517, I’m having the same issues and wondering the same thing as you did. I’m not seeing Jeanette’s response, or anyone else’s, to your questions. Did you get any answers? If so, is it supposed to look like what John has in the video or what is currently included in the Google Ad Swipes Resources section? Thanks, Mark

I agree that it would be nice to have the videos reflect exactly what we are seeing when we put the training into effect. However, because these things are changing so quickly, and each person may have their accounts set up slightly differently, it is going to be an impossible task. John makes it very clear in at least one video that things do change, and that we need (as business owners) to take responsibility for checking out exactly what is available to us on each ad network. Firstly, do a Google search to see what we can find out. Then do a search on this community. If that doesn’t work, try the Support Desk.
I have had a ‘major’ problem with my Google Ads account being suspended. Turns out that if you have more than one Gmail account, you need to log out and log back into the one that ‘controls’ your Ads account. Then you get some different options that allow you to pay the overdue account (the problem in my case). This is an awesome system, and I am looking forward to being able to make real progress including Google ads as part of my toolbox as soon as the payment has cleared the system!

I am having the same exact issue as @anon29376143 and @markjnockels with setting up the google ad with the ad swipe provided. The ad swipe does not look like the one in the video, so I tried to make it look like his in the video and it doesn’t work. The issue is that I filled in all the fields such as Headline 1, display path etc. on the ad creator to look like the ones in the video, but the ad mockup doesn’t seem to work the same way and actually shows up in the ad instead of hiding it.

This is what viewers of the ad will see, so the alternative is to just take the ad swipe as it is provided. In that case, it doesn’t custom tailor the ad to display whatever person (such as Tony Robbins for example) the ad viewer has searched, which makes the ad much less effective which would waste a lot of money. If anyone has a solution, let us all know!

First version would be more profitable because it custom tailors the ad to whatever name the person had searched for on google. If a person googles a certain name that was on the list, the ad shown to them would say that persons name. So if they google Tony Robbins, the ad will say “Follow Tony Robbins?”. If we cant solve this problem with ad creation and the ad is left to say “Follow this Guru” it wont be as attention grabbing and just wont work as well.

Sorry to bomb the thread, but I solved the problem! The video quality is really low and I thought that it showed (Keyword: This 'Guru), but upon staring very closely I was able to determine that it uses the { } characters instead of the ( ) characters. Should be this instead:

Headline 1 should be: Follow {Keyword:This ‘Guru’}?
Display path one should be: {Keyword:Guru}

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Thank you for posting a reply, I was having the same issue where the screens didn’t look at all similar, and when I clicked on “have more experience with google ads” or something like that, it sent me to the pages that John was on.

@scougall Yes, thank you. MAJOR differences between the training videos and the page you are on is caused by being on the wrong page. Sure small changes occur but if everything just looks wrong please watch the video again to make sure you are in the right place. Since you are the third person to post this solution I am closing this thread.