Google Ads pitching free services?

After completing week 2 and having a few ads up and running; Google sent me this email pitching free campaign customization by pros??

It seems like it is a way for someone to come in and provide their two sense… yet sounds like I do not want this…

Just looking for anyones opinion if they used this service? Did it help? Should it be avoided?

Any help helps!

Thank you,

Google wants you to turn a profit as fast as you want to turn a profit, That way you will spend more money with them. They are not there to hurt you.

They have ad account specialist that will go over your ads and help you optimize your campaign
to work better for you. The better it works for you the less you spend per click.
the less you spend on clicks the longer you will use them in your marketing.

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This is a good thing as Todd said. They really will help you out. They have had this program for a long time but they just moved it to the background where they contact you, vs. you contacting them