Google ads locations- better to narrow or go broad?

I had a call with google ads support and they suggested for more bang for my buck I get more specific with geographical locations like states and cities. I know John says the 4 countries. Has anyone experimented with this and willing to share your experience and guidance??

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Hey @isabellasfinds4u! Great question and I’m glad to hear you’re using Google’s support as a tool to help you learn along the way. It’s pretty rare that I launch a campaign on a national level (any nation lol) right out of the gate. I like to start with a city or state and really hone in on the best converting audience and use that audience and results date as a means and a benchmark to scale.

Thanks @AndyStewart How have your results been? Have you seen a difference in both sales and more bang for your buck between focusing on ONE city vs 20 cities?

That’s a subjective answer. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But focusing on smaller audiences when launching a new campaign usually allows me to get meaningful results and actionable data without spending a large sum.

:+1: actionable data without spending a large sum so we can have meaningful results sounds like good feedback to me. thanks.