Google Ads Dissaproved

Setting up google ads and i am getting my ads dissaproved. Anyone else have this problem? My link works and takes me to the website i have created through coolhandle.

I mean, the only thing i can think of is that when the link is clicked on, the URL once you get to the website is different than my website.

For example: my add has the website listed as such:
and the final URL is listed as such:

And since they are different, i think google is saying that its missleading. any thoughts?

Hi Stuart!

Firstly, it seems like your link leads directly to the cinderellasolution solution, so the customer is redirected to your affiliate link. Google doesn’t allow this practice.

You must create a presell page for the cinderella solution (A full working presell page which doesn’t redirect) and then from there the customer would click a button that will lead him to your hoplink. Redirects like that aren’t allowed.

About misleading content, I’m not sure, since it’s really decided per ad per text, but things like “get the body you always wanted today” isn’t usually favoured by google, as it is written as a promise (which in 9/10 cases is false, especially not “today” :slight_smile: ).

So I’d create a new presell page for the program, and refine the ad a bit, to be less “falsely promising results”.

Hope this helps

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That makes sense! so my question to you is the presell page.

Now i know that John talks about his presell page and how to set that up and what not. but is there a video on how to set up additional Presell pages for other products we are promoting?

If so, could you direct me to where i need to go? thanks!

Hi Stuart, thanks for contacting Super Affiliate pages.

The set up process is outline on some of our articles as part of our knowledge base, this one will show you how to build a new funnel on clickfunnels

This one will show you how to set up a new subdomain.

Some presell pages for successful products are available on your members area resources tab, others you’d have to create yourself. Using Clickfunnels would be the best and easiest method to create new presell pages and setting them up using slugs on your main domain.

Hope this helps.

I am getting the same response from Google ads. Misleading content. I have attempted to set this up as described in the SAS course. is my website. Any suggestions?



If you’re advertising SAS, make sure you add the words “results may vary” somewhere in your ad. This could be a headline.

That should sort the issue :slight_smile:

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