Google ads dashboard look differently

Hi This is Divina,

I’m just wondering why is it that my google ads dashboard doesn’t look like John Crestani

Can someone please help me and tell me why is it look different.

Thank you

Hi Divina,

You may be viewing a different interface to John.

Google has an old interface and a new google experience.

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I noticed this too. Also it only allows 2 headlines and one line for description. i went on expertmode which seems to be the same as what John has in the video. Still got the ad done so we will see how well i did :slight_smile:

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Ok, replicating the up to date reality is a much-advised experience for John to be publishing in his video tutorials. That being said… I Too found the same content.
Google does not give access to the ad campaign screen john shows instead is a create an ad now process. The student obviously does not know what to do as it’s not whats being shown or taught. Here are images of what I created however I have not purchased as I do not have verification that I’m creating the right ad in the right way.

It would be very wonderful to have the correct guidance on this matter. Please advise.

To Find out the magic difference maker in the Smart mode as shown above or the Expert Mode John shows in the video tutorial GO HERE: WTF! Week 3! Follow along w/Jz1

Click expert mode or keep clicking back until you get to the “advertising goals” screen, then select “experienced with google ads?”