Google Ads analysis and understanding of this system

Hello everyone. So I’ve been going through lesson two so far, and I have Google Ads setup. I managed to get some impressions and clicks, but definitely no conversions yet.

I’ve been looking at videos through the help desk section of this site, and I’m starting to get an idea of how these things are working.

Simply put, this seems to be what I am understanding so far about this system (at least relating to Google Ads)-

  1. Create an ad as a test ad for a product you are trying to sell (so that you have a control). This takes money, and recommended advice here on the forums seems to be to not test for longer than 48 hours.

  2. Test this ad against another one similar to it (split test, as John calls it).

  3. Measure Impressions > Clicks > Hops > Order Form Impressions > Sales (in this order of hierarchy), and keep the ones that perform, and pause/remove the ones that do not.

If I am understanding the basics correctly, this seems to be the structure of this part of the training (so far).

What I do not know yet is (how to test, what keywords to test, how to find specific information on a given product) after the initial run of a split test, and I assume this is going to be product specific, correct?

Meaning, this might be why it’s a little difficult for John to give specifics aside of his own program. Would this be a correct assumption?

I’m going to assume that some more questions will be answered either in future videos, here, or on some other coaching calls and such.

I will continue on to the next set of videos, but I just want to verify if I am understanding this system correctly.