Google ad account suspended

Glad to offer some assistance!

Google is really meticulous with any type of account information used to sign up for any of their services. Name, email, address, payment info, billing address, IP address, etc. I suggest to not use any previous information you’ve used in the past with them when setting up new accounts or business accounts etc. Sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance.

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K, some good information in this thread so Im closing it. To summarize:

  1. Do not use the link provided by Clickbank OR Clickfunnels in your ads. Google/facebook dont like links that redirect (clickbank), or generic domains not owned by the advertiser (clickfunnels)
  2. Account suspensions are unfortunately normal in advertising, and it doesnt say anything about the integrity of you, your ad, or the business your promoting.
  3. Send Google a letter (drafted by my lawyers) appealing their decision; this helps 50% of the time. You can find the letter here,
  4. Open another ad account, or move on to another traffic source. Unfortunately account suspensions are fairly normal business, but all you need is one traffic source to make thousands of dollars a

Here are some other articles that may help:



Google has suspended my account without me giving any explanations.

They told me to wait for a phone call from their suspension department.

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Sorry to hear about that. Looks like you gotta wait then. Keep us updated on the reason they give you.

If you have a screenshot of your g. ad, show us what you did. Maybe someone can offer some advice.

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At least they said you would get a call from their suspension department. I was only repeatedly told that it is not open for discussion. I am sure there are many people will be interested to hear how this develops!

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My Google acct was suspended because of suspicious payment activity. Has anyone else experienced this? The acct was only open for a day when it happened. I filed an appeal so I have to wait 3 - 5 days for them to tell me what it is about.

Keep looking on your account pages. I eventually found that they don’t like debit cards for payment - they prefer a ‘real’ bank account (with routing and account numbers). I made a payment using my bank account, and within a few days (unbelievable how long it can take for banks in the US to process data sometimes!) the payment was made. Then I was finally able to find an appeal form that I hadn’t used before, submitted that, and a few days later I had a call from India. They were able to confirm that my account was indeed reactivated, although I still had the ‘suspended’ banner. Then today I got a note saying that my account had been reactivated, and the banner has now disappeared!
This is not in the training that I have found, but it would be a useful addition to the videos. I think the assumption is that ‘everyone’ has a Google account that is in good standing when signing up for this program. That is not necessarily true. I had been told some things in the past that are now wrong. So, don’t attribute blame for the account not working - just keep persisting and find out what the real cause is and correct it. Now I can focus on why I am getting clicks but few hops and no sales - the real questions that Affiliate Marketers should be focused on!