Good CTR and Hops, No Sales. How do I interpret this data?

Since starting this program last week, I have started 6 different Facebook campaigns. I stopped two quickly because of a high CPC. I started the 6th one yesterday using the BizOpp Lookalike audience. So far, its performing very poorly. I will give it through tomorrow before I kill it. I’d like some comments on performance to date, especially whether the numbers are tracking with John’s experience. I am interested in whether these numbers are trending appropriately.

Here’s a summary:

Bids are FB optimized at $20 per day per campaign. The numbers are based on 4 days of data.

Campaign Imp. Clicks CTR CPC Hops LP CTR%
MM Mobile 4096 242 5.91% $0.34 51 21.1%
MM Desk 2459 108 4.39% $0.78 30 27.8%
SAS Mobile 3025 80 2.64% $0.90 12 15.0%

MM is Manifestation Magic. I know that market and targeted what I think is a solid audience. As you can see, the campaign numbers seem to reflect that. I don’t know whether these numbers will eventually translate into sales. I have not received any OFIs. It seems to me that if I do my job in sending traffic to the vendor, the vendor ought to be moving some of the traffic through its funnel process. I’m not seeing that so far.

SAS is John’s course. It is not performing as well, but is at least about 2% CTR, which has been my minimum performance standard for a FB campaign.

John said to not target mobile users because they do not purchase. However, none of the SAS desktop campaigns have performed well. I stopped the first desktop campaign after four days because of a CTR at 1.02%, a CPC of $6.09, and only 2 hops. Very expensive. I targeted a narrower, older audience with the same ad and saw a CTR of 0.64%, a CPC of $9.53, and 2 hops. Again, very expensive. The same ad targeted to mobile users is driving traffic, although marginally (SAS Mobile above).

I have one other observation. I use the FB Audience Insights tool to build audiences. John’s suggested audience is small and weak when analyzed in that tool. Also 97% of that audience is either mobile or desktop + mobile so targeting desktop alone only targets 3% of the audience. This seems to be confirmed by my desktop and mobile campaigns. Does John use the Audience Insight tool to test his target audiences before launching a campaign? Does he have any recommendations or insights about its use in affiliate marketing?

What are the criteria for scaling up a campaign after the first week of data? If this was your data, what conclusions would you be drawing? What decisions would you be making?

Thanks. I’m new at affiliate marketing and do not yet know how to interpret the numbers.