Geo from New York

Hello to all of you , smart people :slight_smile: My name is Georgian, I live in New York and I want to be financialy free in 1 year fom now. I need 7000 $ / month to achieve that. I believe with affiliate marketing I’ll make my dreams come true.
Succes to all of you. See you around !


Hi there, @georgian.burtoiu!

We’re glad you took the initiative to join us here. And welcome to the SAS family!

Make sure to visit our knowledgebase, we have lots of helpful articles and info there.

And register for our weekly webinars if you haven’t yet. Every week we have a live Q&A session where you can ask questions, as well as a special training session where we’d be going over a chosen subject. . Here you can find the outline and replays of the latest sessions.

We wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business. And looking forward to helping you achieve your goal. :grinning:

Wonderful to have you in our team, Georgian @georgian.burtoiu! Welcome to the SAS PRO. How has your first week been so far?
Please meet our whole SAS team, that’s John and the rest of the staff. We will your companions on your journey to financial freedom! We’ll do whatever we can do to support you…and if you do your job this shall be a successful relation! Hit us up whenever you need assistance - and more importantly: Connect with all the other SAS students right here. This forum is your place to exchange all the expertise and knowledge every single one of you has gathered along the way. Help each other and grow as a team!
Lastly, please upload a profile picture - that would be lovely!

Enjoy the course and best of luck for the future! “$ 7.000/month”, here we come :fire:

Hi everyone,

I’m want to promote a product in dating niche and I’m not sure which network to use for buying ads. Any suggestions ?

Thank you !