G'day from Sydney, Australia

Hi everyone!

My name is Chialee Tai (just called me Lee) I am from Sydney, Australia, originated from Malaysia. I have been here for 17 years.
Online business is always a dream from me as I really enjoy traveling and always hope to have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, as well as spending my time with my loved one.
Not until recently I saw this link which catches my attention to achieve on my goals.

My goal of taking this course is to live a successful life and change my current situation of financial debt and able to organise my lifestyle in the way I am aiming for.

I am looking forward to the training and help from John and his team, to be a success in the upcoming life, especially able to hlep those who needed.

Thank you for putting the training available.


Welcome to the forum, Lee!

I just joined yesterday myself.

I also have financial debt currently (a ton of it actually) but am confident that with John and his crews help I’ll get out of it and into a much better situation.

I’m sure you will too.



Thanks Jerry, let’s get this rollin’


Welcome to the SAS community, Lee!


Thanks Sabrina

Looking forward to getting it done. :innocent:

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