From Mississauga a suburb of Toronto - retired

My first attempt - nervous as I am computer ill-literate.


That’s makes 2 of us:) don’t give up

t h a n k s - feel supprted.

I’m sure you’ll do great. You’re not alone here by the looks of things :slight_smile: And Mississauga, I remember when it was getting built… I lived in Toronto for so many years of my life.

Don’t worry Stephen @stephen3, John’s course will take you step-by-step…you don’t need much knowledge, all you need is perseverance! And simply follow all of John’s advices and recommendations, then you should be totally fine :v: For the start: Be patient and invest some extra time especially for the first videos of the course-this way you will have a good foundation to build on! Also you should join our weekly webinars, as they will be explaining certain topics more in detail-so it’s probably going to be super helpful for you!
I am sure you will have no trouble with all of this! In case you do- the whole community here, as well as the SAS team will be happily assisting you!
Best of luck for the upcoming weeks!

I am also new , we can do it . all the BEST

welcome to the SAS Club!

thanks ! feel supported.

You’re not alone. I am also learning.
Therese from Ottawa, ON.

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Hey Stephen… don’t feel alone. I am in the same boat but learning a whole lot. BTW a couple of us were looking to create a GTA “community” and get together for coffee in the next couple of weeks to talk and share. If interested, let me know and I get Mike to send you a notice on when and where!

sure - please let me know the details. looking forward

thanks - i feel supprted

sure - let’s see how it goes !