Franklin - Coventry, UK

Hello Everyone

Am Franklin, 26 years old, currently a systems matter expert in the tech industry but aspiring to be professional trader and a profitable (+20k/month) affiliate marketer.

I am very excited to join the SAS family and I have been very impressed so far. I look forward to working, supporting, sharing and celebrating SAS success with you all ;).


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Hello Franklin, welcome to the SAS family! I’ve also been a trader for 3 years now as one of my interest, I’m into algo-trading and have about 15 strategies running on my mt4 at the moment :slight_smile:

Anyway, once again welcome and good luck with your goals!

Welcome Franklin!

I’m UK based too, in Liverpool :slight_smile:

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Fellow Trader! Nice to (virtually) meet you haha!

15 strategies, wow! how do you keep track of it all? and is there an advantage of having so many? I have about 3 strategies at the moment, some with indicators and one which is just pure price action. I am using MT4 and IG’s web platform

What instrument classes do you trade? and are you also involved in affiliate marketing?

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Hi Sabrina

Thanks for saying hello, I hope you’re well!

Liverpool is a nice place, are you a fan of the football team too?

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Hi again.

About the strategies, I believe that a portfolio is important for my purposes, as what I essentially have is 5 breakout strategies, 5 Support/resistance strategies (that basically bounce off support or fall off resistance) and 5 pull back traders that try to resume the trend (they are not actually that equally distributed, but the point is to keep a diversified portfolio, that makes sure that if one strategies got an SL, another will get a TP, which gives stable profits along time. I don’t like drawdowns… prefer smaller profits :slight_smile: ). They are all autotraded and I optimise once in 2-3 months, so at this point, just letting things fly.

Yes I am part of John’s support team here at the SAS as well and a part-time affiliate marketer :wink:

Hope the course is going well for you so far!


I’m not a huge fan of football actually. I live in between both stadiums, so it can be very noisy on match day! :smiley:

Hi Franklin

I’m Debbie and I’ve just joined today, from Market Rasen in Lincolnshire. Can’t wait to get cracking! :money_mouth_face:

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