Follow {Keyword This 'Guru'}? - Dynamic Keyword Insertion

I just have a question about creating my initial Google ad for SAS. When I copied Headline 1 from the Google ad swipe, it said: “Follow This Guru?” However, when John taught this step in the video training, he had used “Follow {Keyword This ‘Guru’}?” so that the actual guru’s name who was being searched for by the searcher would come up in the ad they see. Ex. “Follow Mike Filsaime?”
Anyway, should I change Headline 1 to use the dynamic insertion? “Follow {Keyword This ‘Guru’}?”


Hi LuceW,

I just posted a reply to another thread about same issue:

Hope it helps,

I’d like a solid RE on this too if you resolved it. How exactly should this be inserted into the AD?

In headline 1 you should enter {keyword:guru}