Fishing for a better future

Hey I’m Josh, I am a country boy born and raised in West by God Virginia. I currently work for Trinity Contracting; I love my job its very skillful I’ve learned a lot but I work 6 days a week, and I don’t get to spend time with my girlfriend, we’ve been together for 3 years and here in the last year we’ve been trying for a baby. So I need to find more time so we can start our own family without having to deal with a lot of stress. So best of luck to all of you and I’m excited to be on board. :wink:

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Hey Josh @joshuadavidreed91, how have the first couple of weeks with us been so far? Are you meanwhile able to sense where the training is heading to? Sometimes it seems a bit overwhelming at first, but once the pieces come together, you will be able to see the bigger picture and it eventually all makes sense.
Thanks for sharing a little inside - it is always nice for us to understand what our students are motivated by…starting a family is probably the most amazing thing and we all wish you best of luck for that! And for that, we would love to see you succeed with the help of the SAS PRO training!
Make sure to stick to a few essentials, that will make your work more efficient and enjoyable:

Best of luck my friend!