First Solo add started today

Hi All, On week 2 and we have just done our first Solo Ad. Read through the forum notes and found all the hints ans tips very useful in addition to the training. It’s light touch for now to test the process and get some report data, but it did feel good to take action. Went for 100 clicks for 40c, will keep you posted on how it goes.


How did you do? I’m about to complete my first solo ad in the next few minutes…a little scary!

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It’s still running and it’s early days, 12 / 100 delivered. No sales at the moment but we had good communication with our seller. I agree it is a little scary but exciting too and we are aware we might not get any sales which is why we are keeping the costs low at the moment whilst we learn. good luck on your solo ad!


This is awesome @eddillon2. Keep us posted and good luck! :+1:

Thanks, really appreciated!!

From 100 clicks we got 113 which was awesome and we had great communication with our seller. Unfortunately no sales from this campaign but we have learnt a lot and it’s been a worth while experience.

For this weeks campaign are changing product but are sticking with the solo add email stripe approach, more in line with our niche. Moving onto website approach in the weeks to come.

Cheers Ed.

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