First Solo Ad Rejected

Just to let you guys know, I followed John’s instructions to the tee my first solo ad on Udimi. I’m sure these things happen and there’s always going to be bumps in the road :). Has anyone had the same rejection? Do you use your own landing page? Any advice greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Seller didn’t accept this order. Reason: Please use lead capture page to follow-up your leads and market them product. Cold traffic direct to sales/webinar page may not work well.

It depends on the solo ad vendor. Based on the list they have they know their subscribers well and may feel that driving cold traffic to a webinar is not going to get you the results you want. You can certainly try again with a different solo ad vendor. Remember that solo ad vendors build their list in different ways. Some are really good at ensuring their list is ready to buy others don’t do a great job of building a list and buy cold traffic. All depends on the vendor.