First solo ad 50% delivered with 23% CTR :)

I have to admit that even without any sales so far, it is very exciting to see the hops come through.

The big win for me here is that now that I have taken action, my mind has gone into obsession mode. :tada:

I used to be so worried about the “How’s” and what “if’s” that I did nothing for waaaay too long and missed out on the opportunity to learn. :frowning:

Having taken the first step has changed my mindset completely and I have gone from “what if this fails” to “hey, I’m getting clicks
let’s figure out how to turn them into money!” :upside_down_face:

Thank you, John and Ilya for your enthusiasm and guidance.


Dear Jacque @Jacques, thank you for this wonderful refreshing post!!! :star_struck:

You are absolutely right and I cannot emphasize this enough - IT IS A PROCESS!!! Results don’t happen over night - it’s hard work and dedication!
First, get rid of your fear
start taking the initiative to change something in your life.
Make an effort each day, learn something and become a master of it! Use your daily results to improve yourself and to perfect the system until it is running smoothly!

Well done for putting your mindset to the right level - your success will only be a question of time! :partying_face:

This is really great, @Jacques! I’m really happy to know how your mindset has changed.

Hope to see sales from you soon. :wink:

@BastianS Awesome thank you for your encouragement.

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@lizette1 Thank you so much.

The way to go Jacques. Keep doing the good job!