First Sale on facebook ads

Made my first sale on facebook after a long time of struggling. Made a campaign for red tea detox because fb was disapproving my ad for john’s course. After the sale fb approved the ad for john’s course. Looking up

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woot woot!! thats great! Congrats!! :sunglasses:

Hi Brahmdeep,

How did you make your ad for the tea?

  1. Did you use a video or is a picture enough? and where can i get it?
  2. who did you target? (country, age, gender, mobile or desktop)

Please reply, or follow me on facebook at
Thank you

Congrats, that is fantastic

Wow. Congratulations.

What did you change to get approval on John’s ad on FB? I got my ad disapprove too.

Here are some tips for getting your ads approved:

HELLO SABRINA i’m sure you heard facebook changed some rules for our customers list/lookalike fb customers. they now want our lists to include more detail,such as phone #s,home address,thats all i remember without looking at the violations. i’m talking like fb now. i’m waiting for them to want the name of the toothpaste they use every a.m. To be more specific i would need to get the memo from FB. Has john responded ? thank you richard vejar


We do have a new buyers list with more details in.

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How long ago was that FB requirement added?
That’s interesting because I just added “email-only lists” within the past few weeks and it was fine.
That would be pretty rough if it required more when people like me legitimately collect emails on my site but do not get addresses, etc on optins… like 99% of marketers.