Feb 21 Coaching Call Question: Am I missing hops?

Why is the total of my hops different when looking at it by vendor VS tracking ID?

I made this video.

Forgive me but I didn’t watch all your video. However, track id’s with hoplinks can be somewhat buggy in CB.

Could it possibly be that the id’s aren’t showing up on your multiple clicks because you’ve already cookied yourself with the initial clicks
 hence only showing unique?

Maybe try your test in “incognito” or from different IP.

You could drop me your presell in here and I could test it for you to see if it tracks

  • Seth


I just watched your whole video, and I see what you’re talking about now.

I tested mine (like you did) and got same results as you did.

Seems like the track id is getting stripped out during the redirect. This obviously
will not affect your conversions but definitely hurts with tracking.

I have a friend who works in customer support with CB, I’ll ask her if she
has any idea.

  • Seth

Thanks seth.

My presell is: awesomeRich.net

So I actually continued the test as bit further to fire the Order Form Server Call. I used my variant page, so I know my tracking ID was “Challenger”. I signed up for the webinar, watched it again, and pulled up the order page.

The Order Form Server Call fired. It registered under the vendor count. But it did not attribute to the tracking ID. I also checked the bottom of the page, and my clickbank ID was there.

It does seem like the tracking ID is getting stripped out during the redirect. You said it succinctly.

Just a follow up

I did talk to my CB friend in support and she said that it would be a ClickFunnels question.

Sorry I couldn’t of been more help!

  • Seth
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Hi @rho & @sethjohnson.

I also I’m also facing the same problem.

Got it looks like our tracking ID indeed is stripped off once it goes through Clickfunnels.

Since I did the same thing before just like Rho did and even tried to target different countries but all the same.

By the way @sethjohnson. Does your generated sales goes through clickfunnels or you send them your direct ClickBank hoplink instead?

I tried putting my direct hoplink to both google and fb but it’s not allowed, so I just put on my text my direct Click bank hoplink hoping that viewers will click that instead of my website which goes through Click Funnels.

Yeah, the “tid” is getting stripped but it doesn’t affect our actual affiliate link. It has something to do with the redirect script ClickFunnels uses but rest assure, no sales will be lost because of this.

  • Seth

I got tons of Tracking ID which I tested for SAS program got 6 orders form server calls for SAS but still no sales. Except the once with red highlight

I’ve spent Dhs. 3,384.91 or US$ 940.25 for my campaign Ads since Feb 14 but still NO SALES.

Tried several ways of targeting
— by Bizopp 1%, 2% 3% 5%
—by words like affiliate, passive income, etc)
— even by marketing guru targetting but still no sales.

Trying to keep my hopes high but any help will be appreciated.

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I did some additional testing (long story short). It’s the survey. The survey adds additional parameters to relay the survey answers and I believe that code overwrites the TID.

@sethjohnson I get what you are saying, it doesn’t compromise the sale. However, I disagree that “no sale will be lost”. I’m not optimizing my campaigns for hops, I’m optimizing for sales. If I get a sale, it’s important to know which campaigns (or landing pages) contributed to those conversions.

When I can track that information, my ad-spend is an investment in data. Even if it doesn’t result in a sale.

I came up with a work-around, I think. I set up a Google Analytics “pixel” in ClickBank (In addition to the Google Ads pixel). My hope is that combined with other cookies GA will give me the data I need.

i am also bypassing the survey all-to-gether and made it a simple link click to the sales webinar.

Moving Forward.

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Are you promoting the Red Tea on Clickbank? What is RedTeaX? It looks like that is the only tag that is generating orderforms.

I get you’re optimizing via conversion.

I stand by my “no sale will be lost” statement because regarding the affiliate link. If someone clicks it or irs redirected to it, it doesn’t effect it and the premise of my comment was about the link its self. Not optimization or tracking

But yes, tracking is the name of the game. When to scale ads when to dump. Same with landers.

Good on you for moving forward.

  • Seth

Yes it is red tea detox.