FB Traffic - Set Up Your Ad Account

I have gone through the steps and at the bottom instead having a Continue Button there is a Publish Button. I select Publish and it takes me to a Set Up Your Ad Account where I select Account County, Currency, and Time Zone.

I select Continue and I keep getting an Invalid parameter error.

I went back and added the URL since the previous error said, I needed to add a Link. I added the website link to both the URL and Link section. This error went away however, the Invalid parameter error is there and I cannot move forward.

Everything is set and I had to have FB review the ad as I had a message saying, Your Ad May Not Run
You may not reach your audience because thereā€™s too much text in the ad image. Facebook prefers ad images with little or no text. Unless you qualify for an exception, change your image before placing your order. Get guidance on reducing image text.
Request Manual Review
Finish submitting your ad, then weā€™ll take another look at your image.
there is too much text on the ad and it may not reach the audience.

I am still getting the Invalid parameter error so I am unable to publish the adā€¦

Does anyone know where this parameter is located so that I can view and correct it?

could you provide a screenshot