FB not accepting new audience creation. What can we be doing in the mean time on FB. Please provide some detail instructions

A request for Tomorrows [2-15-19] Training:-
JOHN, since many of us have hit a road block with our FB campaign as part of our first week assignment, can you go over some specific strategy or work arounds that we can do in the mean time to create a presence on FB. I was told by our support team that new accounts have to wait “5 week” to get that option.
It is important that we not loose momentum!

June from the VI


Please read below topic as I found a solution on the Create New Audience FB menace.

Good Luck.


Hey June,

If you are hitting a wall in the short term with Facebook I would recommend refocusing on Youtube Ads. One common mistake is to put all your eggs in the same basket when it comes to traffic. All ad networks are constantly changing, so your business can’t depend on any ONE.

Momentum is fundamental, so if you are skiing, maybe give snowboarding a shot. Both can bring you to your destination.


Below solution is effective to me…

This is what I did:
Sign in to your FB account
Go to Business Manager
Go to BIling
Go to Payment Setting
Click Add Payment Method
Enter all required card details (make sure you have fund to either the credit card, debit card or chargeable card)
FB automatically charge you around $1.oo which will then automatically paid using your assigned bank card.

basically, it looks like they just wanted you to establish that you can pay any future AD Campaigns

Go to Settings (on the upper left corner)

Go to Audiences
Then follow the Instruction of John on week 1 pertaining FB setup