FB Business Ads

Hello there,

i´m a bit nervouse. When i was starting to go there it was completly new for me.
I just had a private FB Account.
Start doing it by my own now just to get the ,Test" Setup started.
Not sure if i have done everything right. Don`t want to get in conflict with the law.

It would be nice to have a video, which shows how to to setup FB Business the ,right" way.

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The course is laid out in a systematic way. Follow along and unlock the training - you’ll find several videos towards the end of week 1.

Hello, this is just a comment. It took me a couple of days to figure out that after creating a business facebook page, I had to actually “add” that page to my business manager. Only then I was able to pick up Jonh’s video demonstration. Please correct me if i’m wrong, but I think that bit of info is missing on the videos so far.


I forgot to mention that I also had to create an ad account. So, first we need to do both: “Add a Page” and “create an Ad account” as part of setting up our Business Manager, before we can pick up on the “Facebook Ad Setup #1-Lookalike Audiences” video.


Hi, Yes I have come across the same issue , I cant move into add an audience, until I have set up a page to my facebook business manager. I am looking for video instructions so I can move forward with Johns videos

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Thanks for the feedback @betin2018. We discussed on the webinar that you if you have not created your business account you can do so here

and then how to add an ad account here

If you make a mistake in the setup, Trump will declare war on China, so dont mess up.

…Just kidding. Nothing bad happens if you make a mistake.

…except we will knock your grade down to an A-.

Oh, and facebook isnt ‘the law’. Facebook has a lot of rules, which are TOTALLY different.

Arnold Shwarzenegger has a famous quote where he says ‘Break the rules, not the law’

Society’s rules for us are: Go to school, get a job, work for 40 years until you retire.

Northern European family rules are: Dont argue in front of your kids, dont show too much emotion, men dont cry, etc.

Rules are arbitrary.

Rules are the reason most people aren’t happy.

The pursuit of ‘perfection’ is a fruitless, impossible quest.

Nothing you do will ever be perfect.

…unless you do nothing at all.

Allow that to sink in.

Would you rather be perfectly nothing, or imperfectly awesome?

Most people choose the former, but I get a sense that if you’re taking this program, you’ll opt for the latter (eventually at least) :slight_smile:

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I’m had the same issue as everyone here and now I fixed it, but then got into another problem that when I click on “Create New Customer Profile” all I get is this…

and it won’t let me through

Does that mean I have to wait several weeks to continue this course? I’m just trying to follow all the steps and “do the work”, you know. Or should I skip the whole FB thing and come back to that later? Should I click on “verify your business” and how do I do that?

After I click on the “Custom Audience” I don’t get the page stating: “Create a Custom Audience” (How do you want to create this audience). Instead, I’m getting a message that says: “Connect to Business Manager to Create This Audience,” and not the box to give me access to the customer file to upload the Bizopp Buyers List. Where am I going wrong or has FB changed since John recorded the video or am I missing a step somewhere?

Thanks for the feedback Shawn. I don’t know why the drag and drop didn’t work for me, after reading your post I still could not get the folder to paste. I thought about copying and pasting the Bizopp Buyers list by hand, when I hit the back space button, to go back and try to copy and paste the folder, I got the approval list and my account was setup without me setting up my custom account. I’ll contact the support team and see if they can what do do to get back to the set up page. Thanks again for your help.

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Thank you @Karendoss1
You got this!

Check out the helpful tips we compiled in this article

Also John will continue to address the various situations that come up with approval.

Let me know if any of the tips in the article works for you!

My first Facebook video was not approved, saying it didn’t meet their standards, they mentioned MLM, etc.

I responded to a review of the ad and click on the complies with policy button. I also added more images to my newly created Facebook page, put up a background pic and filled out some profile info to look more credible. A short while later my ad was approved upon manual review. I hope this info helps someone to get their ad approved on FB.


I can not get anywhere because I can not get out of draft status. When I enter my URL, the page knocks out the video preview and I can not proceed. I can not appeal because I can not actually tryu to post an ad. I am not sure where to go from here. I did report the problem with the preview, I am not sure that means anything to them.

Hi Brian…new here and starting Week 1. Have you received a resolution for not being able to create a custom audience? I’m stuck at the same point too.

Thanks in advance,


I’m so confused LOL
I’m sorry but I’m not techy. I hardly use my personal FB page.
I think there should’ve been a video to help set up a business / ad account then move into this video on uploading the emails. I think that would make this process so much easier. Especially if you’re building as you go with these videos. Saves having to go back and do it all over again.
thank you guys

question… @Sabrina
is it best to watch the videos then go open the FB accounts?
Its asking for a business name and business FB account but I haven’t thought that far because I don’t know what products I’ll be affiliated with in JC’s programs


In order to start advertising on Facebook, you need a Business Manager account that manages at least one Facebook Page.

To add a Facebook Page:
  1. Go to Business Manager Settings.
  2. Under the People and Assets tab, select “Pages”
  3. Click on “Add New Page”
  4. Select one of the 3 options: “Claim a Page”, “Request Access to a Page” or “Create a New Page”
  5. If you choose to request access or claim a Page, enter the Facebook page name or URL
To add an advertising account to your Business Manager:
  1. Open your Business Manager Settings.
  2. Under the People and Assets tab, click on “Ad Accounts”
  3. On the right side of the page, select “Add New Ad Accounts”
  4. Choose one of the 3 options: “Claim Ad Account”, “Request Access to an Ad Account” or “Create a New Ad Account”
  5. If you choose to request access or claim an ad account, enter the ad account ID. (Learn where to find the account ID)

Before you can start advertising, you’ll need to give Facebook additional account information and enter your credit card data.

With SAS, you’ll start out promoting just one product - The Super Affiliate System.

To set up a business account on Facebook rather than a personal page, go to business.facebook.com and click create account. You can use your real name. Just login through Facebook and create an account.


What happens if my website and user name doesn’t match?

Basically, it doesn’t matter if you add different names or businesses. It doesn’t need to be changed, you don’t need a new account. There is no significance to this. You do need an account at business.facebook.com. But the names are not an issue. Give it a try and chat with FB if you are having trouble. Just use your business manager.


Please let us know if you require further assistance.