FB Ads Rejected Despite attaching John's Legal Letter .. Argh

Hi all,

Like many others here my ads got rejected thrice and I tried to contest it with FB by attaching John’s FB legal letter but no luck!

Anybody who was in similar situation pls share their tips and tricks to overcome this hurdle.

FB is really unfair at times. Really annoying. Their response below:



Hi Ellis,
I am at the step “Facebook ad setup 2 ad creation” and I am a little concerned about the video that needs to be attached. The video available under Resources -> Ad Swipes -> Facebook Video Ad -> 01_ENGLISH_B_2018.11.28_01.mp4 does not look like what John shows in his training video. Is this the one to use?
I was going to finish creating the ad and start running it but I have now pushed out the date because of concerns that FB might reject the ad and cancel the account. What is the recourse if FB rejects the ad? That could be a show-stopper.
I am assuming this problem may have occurred before to others? How did people get around it? It would be nice to get some feedback on this critical topic from the Community. Thanks.

Hi Ellis,
What is John’s legal letter about? Does it need to be attached to FB ad and where can I find it? Thanks.

Thanks, Adnan. I will also give it a try then.

Thanks Adnan,

Did you do exactly same thing as per week 1 videos? It seems they are saying they are not happy with the landing page which is essentially setup the way John showed in the video.


I used the same English_B video but do not forget to place your URL in both Main URL and Display URL. You will thank me later :slight_smile:

Hello, I set up my FB ADS last week after several attempts and it was approved 5 days ago. I am using Johns Video in Resources---->FaceBook Video Ad, which is the one I saw on You tube and signed up to SAS for, It is the one where John is wearing a dark jacket, standing next to a whiteboard and holding lots of dollars in his hands So my question is firstly is this the correct ad to use? under all the various resources in the system, there are 3 videos that I can see that can be used to advertise on FB.

My second question is I think the ad ran for a short while then it went off, I have an error message from FB saying:

Fix 1 error in 1 ad

Ad Created With Invalid Run Status: Cannot create ads due to invalid run status. Please try again later. (#2446057)

I have no idea what this means, I have contacted FB but so far had no response, I have also searched FB Help to see what this error message means and I can’t find it.

Can anyone help me out here please?

I also have the same reply from FB, I have asked for review twice already and created a new ad again. To no avail. I’m getting the same message every time.

What’s next?